Pharmaceutical company Xokpharma.

All athletes in the United States of America are advised that Suplefit is our authorized distributor.

Facebook: Suplefit

Cell phone number: 407 337 2349


Product Code: X3S7JD Category:

Xokpharma is an ISO 9001, ISO 11014-1 and 91/155/EEC certified company. This guarantees the quality of our finished chemical products at an international level.

Our certificates, worldwide sales and the support of our satisfied bodybuilding customers make us a leading brand in the market for anabolic and androgenic steroids in tablet and injectable form, reaching markets in Europe, Asia, South Africa and America.

We have a growing research group with highly qualified scientists at the international level to be at the global forefront of chemical products.

Quality is our life!

We will continue to provide the best products in the high quality pharmaceutical market.