You have in your hands Clomid 50mg/tablet per 100 tablets, an original Xokpharma product fully certified.

Product Code: CL50xK Category:

Clomid (active agent – clomiphene citrate) is a non-steroidal selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM) of the triphenylethylene group. Clomiphene was developed and approved for use in the early 1970s for the treatment of female infertility and later on subsequently expanded to treating male infertility as well.

In most all cases, this SERM is used for post-cycle therapy (PCT) purposes, by-which use is intended to stimulate natural testosterone production that has been suppressed through the use of anabolic steroids. Clomiphene stimulates the hypothalamus which stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release gonadotrophic hormones. The gonadotrophic hormones are follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH stimulates (in males) the spermatogenesis and LH stimulates the leydig cells of testicles to secrete more testosterone. This feedback mechanism is known as the hypothalamic-pituitary-testes axis (HPTA), and results in an increase of the body’s own testosterone production.